Product Genius

Sales joiners and movers checklist

Managers to complete with new starts or movers details:


Please check the following:

Is their role set correctly on TMS?

If no change using My People dropdown within TMS or email

Is their '' email address setup and working?

If no please log a ticket for this on Halo.


Has the Product Genius completed the following:

Company Induction on ACE learning?

If no, they must complete immediately on ACE.

Health and Safety induction and paperwork completed and submitted to safety support?

This must be competed immediately. Manager must make Think Customer chairperson aware.


Check the Product Genius has received the following:

Swipe card?

If no contact wages.

Correct uniform and badge?

Please email the Procurement Department:

Have access to a shared device (the branch should have 1 iPad between 2).

Please log a ticket for this on Halo.


Does the Product Genius have access to the following systems:

CitNow access?

Manager must action immediately.

Cisco phone login?

Please log a ticket for this on Halo.

Call management system.

Manager must action immediately.

Key cupboard/keywin?

Manager must action immediately.

Do they have access to the Vehicle Journey System with correct Product Genius permissions?

Please log a ticket for this on Halo.

Access to the Product Genius Community Channel?

Contact immediately.