Please note
Before you apply, please check your organisation is eligible here.
Checked your eligibility? Click 'CLOSE' to go to the application form.
To apply for funding through the Arnold Clark Community Fund, just fill in the form below. Please give as much information as possible on what your community group does and how we can help you.
Please note that we can only accept applications directly from community groups and applications are limited to one per group.
A community group is an organisation that is registered with their local council and set up to benefit the community rather than make a profit, such as voluntary groups. They’re not registered charities, and as such, they don’t have a registered charity number.
Are you a registered charity? Please fill in our ‘registered charity form' instead.
Before you begin: please check our eligibility criteria before you apply.
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Before you apply, please check your organisation is eligible here.
Checked your eligibility? Click 'CLOSE' to go to the application form.