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British Sign Language
Video Interpreting Service

Arnold Clark has partnered with SignVideo to enable us to communicate with members of the Deaf community using SignVideo BSL Live. It's a simple and secure service.

We provide quick and easy access to a British Sign Language interpreter. When you click on the BSL Live icon you will be connected to a BSL video interpreter who will relay your call to a member of the Arnold Clark team.

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They can be the following:

iOS & iPadOS








SignVideo Web


Good internet connection

For the best experience with SignVideo, we advise having a minimum 2Mbps upload and download internet speed. Your internet connection can be any of the following:

  • 3G,4G,5G mobile network
  • Plug in Broadband/ethernet
  • WiFi


  • They can be plugged in or built in.

How does it work?

  • Click the Connect Now button.
  • Connect to a SignVideo interpreter and tell them you wish to connect to an Arnold Clark advisor. This will put you in touch with a member of staff in our contact centre.
  • The SignVideo interpreter may ask if you wish to prepare anything before the call begins.
  • You will then be connected to an advisor in British Sign Language.

The call to Arnold Clark is free from your landline (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday).

For troubleshooting and technical guidance, please contact,call 0208 463 1120 or