At this point you should remain one metre's distance from the pavement.
At this point you should remain one metre's distance from the pavement.
During your driving lessons your instructor will teach you how to turn in the road, this manoeuvre was previously known as a three-point turn. The name was altered because the rules were, it is no longer necessary to make a turn in three moves, you can do five if it’s needed and you should not be marked down for it on your test.
The point of a turn in the road is to turn the vehicle safely so it is facing in the opposite direction.
During a turn in the road you must demonstrate good clutch control, swift steering and good observations of your surroundings. You must not touch the kerbs when you are close to them, you must move slowly and you must move off safely after carrying out the manoeuvre.
Did you know you can hire a dual control car from £9 per hour?
Dual controls allow your instructor to help out in difficult situations.
If you hire a dual control car from us for a total of ten hours, we’ll give you £300 off a car when you pass your test!
Take a look at the other resources in our learner driver series: